ISOT Insights

Kathryn Ellis Kathryn Ellis

Changing Attitudes and Changing Practice with Dr. Farris

I recently attended a webinar by Dr. Farris on Sexuality and Intimacy After Brain Injury with the Brain Injury Association of America. It was a great presentation that shed light on some important points that we as OTs should be making sure to address and incorporate into our practice.

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Kathryn Ellis Kathryn Ellis

Simplifying Documentation and Billing for Sex and Intimacy Goals

Documentation and billing are often the perceived showstoppers for doing sex and intimacy interventions. Let me tell you, I get a ton of questions about this, so you are not alone if you’re wondering,

“How the heck do I bill for, ‘Ronnie will mount Sammie during sex with mod I”?

So here is a quick and dirty blog post about documentation and billing to match the actual simplicity of this task.

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Kathryn Ellis Kathryn Ellis

Do We Need Privacy? NO! We're Talking About Sex, Not Having Sex!

I often get asked by OTs how I create a private space to bring up the topic of sex. But, let’s be honest. It’s just not realistic. We’d be waiting for a long time before the opportunity of a private moment presented itself, especially in an acute care setting. Between the client's family and friends, nurses, doctors, and hospital staff you can almost guarantee there’s always someone in the room. Or think about a busy pediatric outpatient clinic with all of the families and children in the gym. Think there's always going to be privacy to ask about sexual development and concerns and questions parents may have?

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