ISOT Insights

Kathryn Ellis Kathryn Ellis

The Vital Role of OTs in Addressing Sex & Intimacy after SCI: Part Two of a Three Part Series

Welcome to the second part of our three-part series on addressing sexuality and intimacy after spinal cord injury (SCI). Today, we’ll delve deeper into the crucial role that Occupational Therapists (OTs) play in supporting individuals with SCI in this aspect of their lives. With their expertise and unique perspective, OTs can provide invaluable guidance and interventions to empower SCI patients and promote a positive and fulfilling sexual experience. The OT can be the shining light of comfort and advocacy! OTs are perfectly situated to lead these efforts in a clinical setting both for their patients and for the interdisciplinary team. Let's continue our exploration of the strategies and approaches that OTs employ in this domain.

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Kathryn Ellis Kathryn Ellis

Simplifying Documentation and Billing for Sex and Intimacy Goals

Documentation and billing are often the perceived showstoppers for doing sex and intimacy interventions. Let me tell you, I get a ton of questions about this, so you are not alone if you’re wondering,

“How the heck do I bill for, ‘Ronnie will mount Sammie during sex with mod I”?

So here is a quick and dirty blog post about documentation and billing to match the actual simplicity of this task.

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