Teach Me Sex with Jess Bauzá de García

Jess was such an exciting Teach Me Sex guest and we want to send a huge thank you to them for sharing about themselves so we can continue learn more about the various ways people have sex and express themselves sexually!  We're better OT/OTAs for this insight and education.  Watch the video to learn about sex, relationships, unlearning harmful beliefs, and why some people don't connect with the term sexy".  We offer strategies throughout the interview you can use with your OT clients and yourself!    

Want more time with Jess? I get it, they rock! Jess is a collective member and research consultant for Laurel Research Collective which focuses on accessibility and research for the Autistic LGBTQIA+ community.  You can follow them on Instagram at @jbdg.theot. 

Watch the vide here


Considerations for OT Clients who are BIPOC Women: Why Sexuality Has to be Viewed from an Intersectional Lens


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